
Online Enquiry Form

What service are you enquiring about? (Integrative/Psychological Medicine, Professional/Personal Coaching, Online Courses/Retreats, Speaking/Corporate Consulting)

What conditions/issues do you want to address?

What does support look like for you?

By submitting this form you understand this form is used primarily to arrange and prioritise appointments and should not be used for clinical details. You understand the information provided may be retained even if no appointment is attended. Please note in the message above if you wish to request the removal of your information. Please allow 3-5 working days to process this request.

Dr. Woolhouse recommends patients to find suitable GPs for their day-to-day needs as she no longer provides regular GP care and cannot act as your primary carer.

She does not treat children under 18, terminal cancer, pregnancy/breastfeeding, CIRS/mould/Lyme-related conditions, or autism/schizophrenia/neurodegenerative conditions.